Contract Review and Drafting

A contract is an agreement formed by two or more parties setting forth rights and obligations to perform or not perform an act. Contracts are an essential part of operating a business. Contracts are required when forming a business and in daily operations of a business.


If your business is involved in sales, purchasing goods, or providing services, it can be important to have legally enforceable contracts such as:

  • Purchase agreements
  • Employee and independent contractor contracts
  • Sales agreements
  • Non-Compete agreements
  • Confidentiality agreements
  • Vendor agreements
  • Bills of Sale
  • Non-Disclosure agreements
  • Partnership agreements
  • Real estate leases
  • Licenses

Our firm’s business law attorneys are able to create contracts tailored to your unique situation, in clear and unambiguous terms, and enforceable by the court. 


Our team of attorneys is also able to assist you in reviewing and negotiating any proposed contract that you may receive. We can help you confirm that the provisions are acceptable and appropriate and that you understand the long term implications of the contract.


If you need assistance in creating a contract, or if you have a received a proposed contract from a third party and need advice, contact us for a consultation. Our firm’s business attorneys are trained in a range of other business disciplines including tax, real estate, employment, worker’s compensation, bankruptcy, asset sales, and intellectual property law. Call our business law team at 336-379-1390 to schedule your consultation today.

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Everett Saslow, Jr.

Everett Saslow, Jr., Greensboro Bankruptcy Law Specialist

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