Health Care Directives
You may already have established a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney, Living Will and Trust, however you should also have a health care directive. Health Care directives are documents created in the presence of witnesses to provide others with your desires about future medical decisions. If your wishes are not specified for your loved ones, those decisions are left up to them in what is already a stressful time. There are different types of health care directives, and our attorneys can help you create the right directive for your situation.
Durable Health Care Power of Attorney
A durable health care power of attorney is a specific type of power of attorney authorizing someone on your behalf to make medical decisions for you in the event that you are unable to do so. Specific instructions in the power of attorney can be included for the agent to voice your personal wishes to the appropriate medical professionals.
Advance Instruction for Mental Health Treatment
An advance instruction for mental health treatment is a document that provides guidance about your preferences regarding mental health care treatments you would like to receive or refuse to receive should you be incapable of making those decisions at a later date.

Estate Planning Services
A Declaration of an Anatomical Gift
It is important to make arrangements with your funeral home about your burial or cremation. It is also important to make a legal document regarding your wishes about donation of your organs and/or tissues. You can let your loved ones know what if any organs or tissues you want to donate, and where you would like to donate them to, such as a university, in the event of your death.
Declaration of a Desire for a Natural Death or a Living Will
In the event that you have a terminal illness or condition, it is important to have a statement providing directives about the treatment you would like to receive if you do not want your life medically prolonged. Your can direct and authorize medical personel to not prolong your life with any medical treatment such as artificial nutrition through feeding tubes, CPR, surgery, etc.
Our attorneys can assist in you in preparing all of the documents for your estate planning process to ensure that your wishes are carried out. Contact our office for a consultation, and we can guide you through the process to create health care directives tailored to your personal circumstances. Our team of estate attorneys are experienced in the areas of estate planning and can assist you in understanding the long-term impact your decisions may have. Call us at 336-379-1390 to schedule your consultation today.

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